eSIM Registration steps before using eSIM in Hong Kong or Taiwan
eSIM Registration steps before using eSIM in Hong Kong or Taiwan
All eSIM to be used in Hong Kong and Taiwan, requires pre-registration on . You need to register prior to arriving in Hong Kong and Taiwan in order to use the eSIM.
You will need to input your:
Email address.
Mobile phone number.
eSIM ICCID (the information is below your eSIM QR and on your receipt)
Passport image (upload a copy or take a photo on the spot while registering).
You are allowed to register under one person name of up to 10 ICCIDs for each inbound user.
Upon successful registration, you will be notified by SMS that your registration is confirmed and successful.
You are now registered and able to use your eSIM in both Hong Kong and Taiwan.
This registration is necessary due to the regulations in Hong Kong and Taiwan for inbound eSIMs.